The Sustainable – Episode 1 – Short Documentary

The Sustainable features Tom and Roberta Stock, a married couple from Saratoga Springs who built their home to run completely off of renewable energy they produce themselves via solar panels and a small windmill, proving the average modern home can be powered by clean energy alone. They spent two years designing, planning and building the home with a budget no more than what it would have been to build the “standard” modern American house. With every modern amenity (complete kitchen, bathroom, washer/dryer, etc) and oriented towards the sun in a passive solar design, they built their home the way every American home should be built moving forward – self-sustaining and environmentally friendly. The film goes into detail about other design elements they had to incorporate as well. They built their home in 2004 and haven’t paid a utility bill since.

We will be producing and releasing lots of new video, audio and editorial content on a regular basis with a general focus on modern sustainability and all of the benefits that come with it. Our stories will entail more individuals and teams that are changing the game and leading the way towards an environmentally-friendly world. Not only have our subjects’ innovations made the world a cleaner place, but they’ve cleared a path towards a more practical and economical lifestyle for the average consumer. Upon first glance we ourselves found many of our innovators’ discoveries “too good to be true.” So far, we’ve been proven wrong every single time thus far.

Please feel free to share our films as much as you’d like.

Director: Justin Cerone
Producer: Justin Cerone, Alexis Aurigemma
Editor: Justin Cerone
Cinematography: Sean Feiertag, Raymond Stockwell, Adam Morrell
Score: Eric Dunkelbarger, Jake Dunkelbarger, Auby Curtis
Writer: Alexis Aurigemma
Graphics: Jordan Forkey
Audio: John Callen